[Connect&Learn] How to ace social media marketing

Are you using social media in your company? Is it working? If that inevatibly leads to the question “How do you know? How do you measure?”, then this new RetailDetail Connect & Learn e-course is made for you!

What is the impact, really?

How do you know and – most importantly – how do you measure the success of social media marketing? Social media are often as elusive as they are indispensable. Although they have become an essential tool for retailers and brands, measuring the real impact and certainly the Return On Investment remains a stumbling block for many retail professionals.

The bite-sized and hands-on e-learning course ‘How to Ace Social Media Marketing’ on RetailDetail’s new Connect&Learn platform, will hand you the knowledge and skills to effectively measure, analyse and improve the return on investment of your efforts. You will learn to make targeted plans and develop actions tailored to what you want to achieve with your brand.

Access to the RetailDetail Connect & Learn environment (both in the app and web-based) is free for RetailDetail Plus-subscribers. All of our Plus content is being transferred to the Connect&Learn environment, where it joins over eighty interactive micro-learnings, e-courses, talks and podcasts.

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Are you using social media in your company? Is it working? If that inevatibly leads to the question “How do you know? How do you measure?“, than this new RetailDetail Connect & Learn e-course is made for you!

Credit: Source link

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