Google Releases August 2023 Core Algorithm Update

The Gist

  • Core update. Google’s August 2023 core update is its second major algorithm change of the year, potentially affecting page rankings.
  • Recovery tips. Google emphasizes the importance of high-quality, people-first content for optimal site performance. 

Google is currently rolling out another core algorithm update, the second of the year, with the goal of improving search results. 

Google tweeted the news on Aug. 22, promising to update its ranking release history page when the rollout is complete, which could take up to two weeks. 

Google's announcement tweet about the August 2023 Core Algorithm update.

Google August 2023 Core Update May Impact Page Performance

Core updates are broad changes to Google’s search algorithms and systems that can significantly impact how your web pages rank. 

However, according to Google, “there’s nothing in a core update that targets specific pages or sites.” Instead, they claim, updates are about improving how their systems assess content. 

Some pages that see a drop in performance may see a recovery after the full rollout. But recovery is not guaranteed. 

Barry Schwartz reported on big SEO swings prior to the update that he believes could have been some early testing. However, so far he claims he hasn’t seen much movement in rankings after the August 2023 core update began officially rolling out. 

Related Article: Google Releases March 2023 Core Algorithm Update: What to Do Now

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