Congressman Don Davis Stands Firm With Agriculture Industry, Advocates for Stronger Support for Farmers, Families, and Rural Communities in the Agriculture Appropriations Act of 2024

from the office of Rep. Don Davis (D-NC-01)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Don Davis (NC-01) joined a bipartisan majority to oppose H.R. 4368, the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2024, which failed 191-237.

“The Agriculture Appropriations bill drastically falls short of providing the crucial support needed by our farmers, families, and rural communities across eastern North Carolina,” said Congressman Davis. “If enacted, our farm families would find it difficult to survive when deep slashes take us back to funding levels from 22 years ago with cuts to Farm Service Agency loans. Fund reductions to essential programs such as the ReConnect program, the Rural Energy for America Program, and water and wastewater disposal projects would impact our rural communities. These drastic cuts could also jeopardize our ability to pass a Farm Bill.”

Rep. Don Davis (NC-01)

Congressman Davis emphasized the need to support our farmers, families, and rural communities in the Agriculture Appropriations bill. The package guts investments in rural America that would disproportionately harm eastern North Carolina and our entire state.

Provisions in the Agriculture Appropriations Bill:

  • Cuts funding and support for the Agriculture Appropriations bill to 2001 levels, 41% lower than last year.
  • Lowers funding for essential rural broadband programs by over 23%. This includes more than $100 million in cuts to the ReConnect program, which has already funded connections for almost 410,000 households in rural America to high-speed internet.
  • Reduces the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) funding by more than $500 million, providing grants and loans to farmers and rural businesses interested in improving energy efficiency.
  • Slashes the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC) by $800 million, leaving mothers and children without their next meal.

We must engage in a bipartisan appropriations process consistent with the bipartisan budget agreement passed earlier this year. As Vice Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Davis staunchly opposes cutting funds that hurts the ability of our farmers to do what they do best: feed and clothe the American people. He stands for families receiving the healthy and nutritious meals they need and ensuring rural communities can prosper and succeed through affordable and reliable utility rates and broadband connections.

Credit: Source link

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