Additive Manufacturing Solutions Ltd (AMS) has announced its role in new Innovate UK-funded project to explore the feasibility and practical possibilities of using recycled metallic materials in additive manufacturing (AM).
Recycling and Reuse of Aerospace Materials for Additive Manufacturing (R2AM2) will investigate the potential to recycle parts into feedstock for metal AM and the processability and final part performance of recycled AM production. AMS believes the project has the potential to influence an ‘environmental step change’ in the use of materials for AM.
The company says international demand for titanium – which looks set to make up a third of the 1 billion USD metal AM powder market in 2023, according to 6K Additive – alongside supply chain restrictions, and a crucial need to look at more sustainable materials resources, makes it ‘more important than ever’ to tap into the approximate 600 tonnes of recycled aircraft parts to provide a ‘lower cost, high quality product.’ AMS is calling this high value scrap mining and says it could offer a viable alternative to traditional mining for the UK.
CEO and founder of AMS, Robert Higham, said: “The UK was once a leader in AM technology, and we have since seen a stagnation period, with our work alongside the output of this project we aspire to enable a vibrant and highly profitable UK source of feedstock and catalyst for material producing parts for our defence, space, aerospace, and automotive industries.
“Having Innovate UK support our research and development in this field is a significant and crucial step in our plans as AMS. If we are to continue with our ambitious plans to promote and increase on shore manufacturing it is crucial we enable a secure and sustainable supply chain of product. This project is the first step in providing valuable data as to the true possibilities of high value circular economy development. We are honoured to be awarded the funding to allow us to take this idea to an industrial feasibility state.”
AMS will recycle scrap aerospace parts into powder which will then be tested and used to manufacture new parts. Data from printed parts will then be used to validate the process as an effective source of recycled high quality feedstock for the UK additive manufacturing market. The project will wrap up in November 2023.
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