Real Estate Syndication.

What is Real Estate Syndication? It Is and How It Works.

In 2021, over $150 billion was put into real estate syndication deals, a 58% jump from the year before. This strategy lets investors join forces to tackle bigger property deals. It opens doors to commercial real estate that single investors couldn’t get into before.

With real estate syndication, a group of investors come together to buy commercial real estate or build a new property. This way, investors can get into real estate without owning or managing the property themselves. The JOBS Act of 2012 has made it easier for real estate syndication to grow. It lets syndication’s raise money from accredited investors through crowdfunding.

Key Takeaways

  • Real estate syndication lets investors work together to get into bigger commercial properties.
  • The JOBS Act of 2012 made it easier for real estate syndication’s to get money from accredited investors online.
  • It’s a way for investors to be part of real estate without owning or managing the property.
  • There was a big jump in syndicated real estate deals in recent years, with over $150 billion invested in 2021.
  • Property syndication helps investors add variety to their real estate investments.

What is Real Estate Syndication?

Real estate syndication is when investors work together to buy commercial properties or fund new developments. This way, people can join big projects without owning or managing the property themselves.

A group of investors, led by a general partner or sponsor, pool their money to buy a property or fund a development. These investors, known as limited partners, get a share of the profits and equity in return for their money.

The process of how real estate syndication works includes these steps:

  1. The sponsor finds a good property or development opportunity.
  2. The sponsor gathers a group of investors to put in money.
  3. The investors’ money is used to buy the property or fund the development.
  4. The sponsor takes care of the property, handling operations and maintenance.
  5. Profits from the property are shared among investors based on their stake.

Real estate syndication offers a definition for investors to join big projects they couldn’t do alone. By working together, investors can buy more valuable properties and possibly earn more from their investment.

Key Aspects of Real Estate SyndicationDescription
Pooled CapitalInvestors add money to a syndicate, which buys or finances a commercial property.
Shared OwnershipInvestors get a share in the property based on how much money they put in.
Passive InvestmentInvestors don’t manage the property day-to-day; the sponsor does.
Potential for Higher ReturnsSyndication lets investors into bigger, more valuable properties for better returns.

Who is Involved in Real Estate Syndication?

Real estate syndication has two main players: the real estate syndication sponsor and the real estate syndication investors. The sponsor, also known as the general partner, finds, plans, and oversees the investment. They buy the property, hire workers, check on the project, and make big money decisions.

Investors, or limited partners, play a less active part. They put in most of the money needed for the project. The sponsor handles the day-to-day work and big decisions. Nowadays, crowdfunding platforms also join in. They help sponsors and investors meet, make raising money easier, and deal with rules for a fee.

Real Estate Syndication SponsorIdentifies, plans, and oversees the investment; arranges the purchase of the real estate asset; hires contractors and workers; supervises project progress; makes capital decisions.
Real Estate Syndication InvestorsContribute the majority of the capital required for the deal; take a passive role in the investment.
Crowdfunding PlatformActs as an intermediary between sponsors and investors; facilitates the capital-raising process; handles regulatory requirements; collects a fee.

Knowing what each person does is key to doing well in real estate syndication. It helps make sure the investment is a success.

Pros of Real Estate Syndication.

Investing in real estate syndication has many benefits and advantages. It’s a great choice for many investors. You can earn high returns and diversify your portfolio. These are key reasons to think about why invest in real estate syndication.

One big plus of real estate syndication is the chance for high returns. CrowdStreet says the average return is 17.7%. This makes it a top choice for those wanting to grow their wealth through real estate.

Real estate syndication opens doors to investments you might not get on your own. For example, building a hotel needs a lot of money and know-how. But with syndication, many investors can join forces to make these projects happen.

Also, investing in real estate syndication helps diversify your portfolio. Real estate doesn’t move with the stock market. This means it can help protect your investments from ups and downs in the market.

High Return PotentialCrowdStreet reports an average of 17.7% internal rate of return (IRR) for realized (sold) investments on its platform.
Access to Unique InvestmentsSyndication allows investors to participate in real estate projects, such as hotel construction, that would typically be out of reach for individual investors.
Portfolio DiversificationReal estate returns are not strongly correlated with the stock market, providing a valuable hedge against market volatility.

Cons of Real Estate Syndication.

Real estate syndication has its pros and cons. One big risk is illiquidity. Unlike REITs or direct property ownership, syndicated real estate can’t be easily sold. Investors must hold it for the full term.

Another disadvantage is the investment’s reliance on one property. If that property doesn’t do well, investors could lose a lot. The Motley Fool found that while some investments did great, others lost all the money put in.

Investing in real estate syndication also means dealing with unpredictable income. There’s no promise of returns, and income can vary a lot. This makes it hard for investors to budget and plan for the future.

Potential Risks of Real Estate SyndicationPercentage of Investments
Annualized Returns of More Than 50%4.3%
100% Losses5.2%

Real estate syndication can be a good investment, but it’s crucial to know the disadvantages before jumping in. Investors should think carefully about the risks before putting in their money.

How to Invest in Real Estate Syndication.

Investing in real estate syndication is a great way to diversify your portfolio. But, it can seem complex for those new to it. Let’s explore how to get into real estate syndication and what you need to know.

Starting with real estate syndication is easy through a real estate crowdfunding portal like Crowd Street or Realty Mogul. These sites connect sponsors with investors and simplify the process. But, keep in mind, most deals are for accredited investors. This means you must have an income of at least $200,000 annually or a net worth of $1 million, not counting your home’s value.

The reason for this rule is to keep investments safe for those who know the risks or can handle losses. So, if you’re not an accredited investor, you’ll need to look at other investment options.

It’s also key to check out different real estate syndication platforms and their deals. This ensures your investment matches your goals and how much risk you can take.

Knowing what’s involved in real estate syndication helps investors make better choices. This way, they can enjoy the unique benefits this investment offers.

Real Estate Syndication Process.

The real estate syndication process has several key stages. Experts from The Motley Fool and Abby Blumenfeld of EquityMultiple explain it has three main phases: origination, operation, and liquidation.

In the origination phase, the sponsor finds an investment, does deep research, and gets investors to commit money. This first step is vital for the syndicate’s success.

Next, in the operation phase, the sponsor manages the property. They handle daily tasks and make sure everything meets the syndicate’s agreement. Keeping in touch with investors and sharing updates is very important here.

Finally, the liquidation phase happens when the property is sold. Investors get their share of profits or losses. The sponsor’s job is to make sure everything goes smoothly and returns are fairly shared.


Q: What is real estate syndication?

A: Real estate syndication is a way to invest in big property deals by pooling money from many investors. It lets investors join in without owning or managing the property themselves.

Q: Who is involved in real estate syndication?

A: In real estate syndication, there are two main groups. The sponsor, or general partner, finds, plans, and manages the investment. Investors, or limited partners, put in most of the money needed for the deal.

Q: What are the pros of investing in real estate syndication?

A: Investing in real estate syndication has big benefits. You can see high returns, get into unique properties, and diversify your portfolio. Real estate values don’t usually move with the stock market.

Q: What are the cons of investing in real estate syndication?

A: Real estate syndication has downsides too. It can be hard to get your money back, and you’re tied to one property. Returns and income can vary a lot from year to year.

Q: How can I invest in real estate syndication?

A: You can easily get into real estate syndication through online platforms like CrowdStreet or Realty Mogul. But, most deals for single properties are only open to accredited investors.

Q: What are the main phases of the real estate syndication process?

A: The syndication process has three main steps. First, finding the investment and getting investors. Then, managing the property. Finally, selling the property and sharing profits or losses with investors.

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