January 23, 2024
Content protection provider Vobile has become the newest hybrid member of the British Association for Screen Entertainment (BASE) and DEGI: The Digital Entertainment Group International.
The company joins more than 80 BASE and DEGI community members and partners.
Vobile is the global leader in digital content protection and transaction services, servicing the world’s largest platforms, film studios, TV networks, sports leagues, music labels, and other content owners. The company provides SaaS solutions for copyright protection and content monetization, powered by AI technologies.
“We are thrilled to announce that Vobile has joined BASE and DEGI as a member,” Manni Nagi, head of Europe at Vobile, said in a statement. “For more than 15 years, Vobile has been the trusted partner to leading entertainment companies across North America and Asia. We now look forward to offering world-class products and solutions to European content owners and sports leagues. Also, as thought leaders in the entertainment industry, we are excited to partner with BASE/DEGI and their members to share our knowledge and insights in the ever-changing landscape.”
BASE and DEGI link creators, distributors, digital service providers, and audiences on both local and global levels, prioritizing understanding audience behavior and industry progress, shaping how the industry addresses critical issues. Through its dedicated unit within the Industry Trust for Intellectual Property, BASE remains committed to capturing and disseminating insights on piracy behaviors, according to the group. This effort informs sector strategies, highlighting infringement’s broader threats and consequences while educating consumers about the risks associated with IP violations.
“In 2024, a convergence of factors — such as organized piracy, tech-driven ease of infringement, regulatory loopholes, and societal acceptance — poses a significant threat to video copyright,” Liz Bales, chief executive at BASE, said in a statement. “Combatting piracy requires a collective effort, requiring a comprehensive solution involving all facets of the industry. Vobile’s pioneering work in rights management has set a benchmark for safeguarding and advocating for copyright worldwide. Their collaboration fortifies our shared approach outlined in the 2022 ‘Piracy: A Problem Shared’ report, and I’m delighted to welcome them to our ever-growing membership.”
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BASE and DEGI membership provide exclusive benefits, including access to the upcoming DEG Roadshow (with events taking place in Paris, Stockholm, Berlin and London April 23-May 2) and discounted ticket rates for the BASE Awards 2024.
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