Midcoast town may temporarily ban large retail stores after one is proposed

Following a developer’s plans to build a large retail store in Lincolnville, the town will vote on a six-month moratorium for all large, non-residential developments. The moratorium is meant to give local officials time to approve additional regulations to protect local waterways and water sources.

About five people spoke in favor of the moratorium during a public hearing Wednesday night, expressing concern about the size of the proposed store and its impact on the local watershed. Residents will now have a chance to vote on the moratorium at a town meeting at 6 p.m. on Dec. 11.

“Seize the opportunity to take the time period and make the thing happen and come out here 180 days later with a set of ordinances that everybody can be proud of,” Dan Leary, one of the supporters, said on Wednesday night.

Credit: Source link

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