Small businesses grow at Second Street Market

Carlos Mathis and Allison Gens

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — The Second Street Market in downtown Dayton brings together local artisans, bakers and farmers from across the region.

Every Saturday and Sunday, dozens of small business owners set up their shops at Second Street Market in Dayton. The market welcome frequent and new shoppers and vendors.

Fawncrest Farms Owner Casey Smith is just one of the business owners that is set up at the local market. He began bringing his fresh produce to the market to sell.

“Our produce, I would be surprised if it spent more than 10 miles in transport, so it’s really local, really fresh, and really nutritious,” Smith told 2 NEWS.

The Second Street Market is owned by Five Rivers MetroParks, and has been in operation for 21 years.

Beekeeper Tracy Scott sells his local honey and beeswax products at the market.

“Beekeepers, we need support,” Scott says. “You know, whether it’s buying the honey, the lotion bars, or anything, the wax, the candles, it all helps.”

A special thing about the market is by the small business owners going to the market, it helps bring awareness to the businesses for people who may not have known about the businesses. Fetch Fresh Dayton is a local pet food business which produces a healthier alternative to ordinary pet food.

“I love pets, like, so, I want what’s best for them,” Fetch Fresh Dayton Owner Amanda Penrod says. “So it’s great seeing all the dogs around us flourish as well.”

The Heart Baker Owner Jessica Kellar brought her baked goods to sell at the market. The treats consist of traditional flavors like oatmeal raisin and iced lemon. She also has items that are dairy and egg-free.

“It’s definitely kind of a dream come true,” Kellar said. “To be able to make a living doing what like really brings me joy is really all that I could literally ask for in life.”

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