Lymon named Distinguished Student from Trine’s College of Graduate and Professional Studies

Angie LymonAngie Lymon, an organizational leadership major from Fort Wayne, Indiana, is the Distinguished
Student for 2023 from Trine University’s College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

Lymon was recognized with other Distinguished Students at the university’s honors
ceremony on Thursday, May 4.

Lymon graduated summa cum laude while working full-time in the education sector. She
completed her Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership degree in two years
at Trine.

She now works as a corporate leadership and development partner for a company in Denver.

“The hard work and dedication I have put into my studies has been challenging, but
it also reflects the support of my family, loved ones and my professors,” she said.
“I am truly lucky to have such a strong group of people who believe in me.”

She became interested in organizational leadership when her daughter completed a similar
degree program at another university. As she continued through the program, she was
able to develop a training program for her employer to help mitigate implicit biases
and build cultural competencies for fellow team members.

“As I look forward to the next chapter of my academic and professional life, I am
inspired by the potential of what I can achieve,” she said. “I will use these recognitions
and nominations as motivation to continue to push myself to new heights in my personal
and professional development and beyond.”

Credit: Source link

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