2023 SRP Annual Grant Recipient Meeting

December 4 – 6, 2023

stages of testing water

Event Description

Event Agenda

Session Agendas

The annual in-person meeting of the NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) grant recipients and trainees (i.e., graduate students and Post-Doctoral Fellow) provided research progress updates of their SRP-supported research to other SRP grant recipients, trainees, SRP Program Staff, NIEHS Leadership, and federal/state/local end-users. This year’s meeting theme explored how utilizing team science can accelerate scientific discovery and solutions for those impacted by hazardous substances, with a special focus on engaging Indigenous Scientists and Community Members. In addition, this in-person meeting fostered research translation, community engagement, data management and analysis, and training activities among SRP grant recipients and meeting participants. There were opportunities for SRP P42 Center Administrators to learn about NIEHS Grants Management topics specific to the SRP.

Other Resources


Not Pictured

Courtney A. Gunderson

Tel 716-698-2197


Credit: Source link

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